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About uS

The Missoula Snowgoers  formed in the late 1970's by snowmobile enthusiasts who recognized the need to have a unified voice for people who enjoy the sport. The association exists to promote, protect, and represent snowmobiling in a positive, safe manner. We bring together people who have a common interest and enjoy fun and exciting snowmobiling activities.

Trail Grooming 


The Missoula Snowgoers are responsible for grooming almost 500 miles of snowmobile trails on the Lolo Pass trail system. Thousands of volunteer hours are invested into administrating and managing the groomer operations. The association maintains two grooming machines, employs five groomer operators, provides groomer safety training, and equips the groomers with satellite phones. The smooth, groomed trails allows riders of all levels to take a leisurely ride and provides the powder junkies a quick path to the steep and deep.

Trail Signs

In the beginning of each season, members place trail maps at junctions throughout the trail systems.  The maps are essential for knowing where you’ve been and figuring out where you’re going.

Warming Hut

Financed and built entirely by volunteer members, the Warming Hut, about six miles south of the Lolo Pass Visitors Center, is a great place to stop and take a  break.  Members maintain the Warming Hut throughout the year.

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